Door to Door Service

Looking to ship to Jamaica? No, worries, we got you! Save yourself the hassle and try out our concierge door to door service.                                                                                                                                                                                            How this works…                                                                                                                                                                              Regflo Agencies, your favorite Jamaican shipping agents, along with Caribbean Ocean Logistics, your favorite Jamaican shipping company, will arrange pickup from your supplier or family member and then consolidate and package your items for shipment out of Miami, FL. Depending on it’s final destination your goods will ship to either our Kingston or Montego Bay locations.

Once in Jamaica, we offer a variety of services to expedite the process of clearing your goods including:

  • Validation at the warehouse and paying charges
  • Brokerage – waiting in lines and dealing with Customs
  • Payment of duty
  • Delivery to your choice of location once all charges have been paid

You choose the services you need and we will get it done!